Correct Use of Lighting in Home Decoration
Correct Use of Lighting in Home Decoration
Proper use of lighting in home decoration not only saves energy but also helps you when choosing lighting products. In addition, since lighting also has an effect on our mood, the use of wrong lighting or incomplete lighting has an effect on us taking aggressive attitudes. Therefore, it is very important to use the right lighting in the right place.
Few of us benefit from architectural services when furnishing our homes. For this reason, we often make mistakes when purchasing lighting products for homes. For example; While we can do our work with LED lighting in the corridors, we make mistakes by purchasing large lighting fixtures in these areas. So, how should you choose the right lighting product? Now let’s evaluate together.
What is Lighting? How Should It Be?
Lighting; It better regulates people’s field of vision in closed spaces. Today, there are millions of types of lighting products. However, when choosing lighting products, human health, energy saving and other factors should be taken into consideration. Wrongly selected lighting triggers migraine headaches, you cannot use it efficiently as it will provide too much or too little lighting, and it creates a dark and unattractive home environment in decoration. The correct use of lighting in home decoration, where you can be original and creative in your home decoration and which will not disturb you in terms of health, should be as follows;
- When decorating your living spaces, a different type of lighting should be used for each room.
- Being able to benefit from daylight is very important in terms of energy saving.
- After determining the light needs of the rooms, you should choose the lighting object.
- In order to avoid creating an ineffective and inefficient lighting environment, you should determine the location of the lighting very well and, if necessary, get help from people who do this job professionally.
- You should determine the location well to avoid direct light coming from the lighting. You can only achieve an efficient light environment if the light is positioned from top to bottom.
- You should avoid mirrored lighting objects, especially in study and living rooms, as they will tire the eyes.
- Making lighting choices according to your usage area will reflect positively on you.
- You should generally use yellow lights and LED lights in areas such as entrances, halls and bathrooms.
- You can use lampshades and floor lamps as lighting products that you can use for decoration purposes as furniture design . Especially floor lamps will help you achieve a stylish look for decorative purposes in living rooms.
Stay tuned for lighting ideas that will be good for both your pocket and your eyes.